We are Cardano (cryptocurrency) community staking pool with minimal possible fees (0% margin) located in central Europe, that is running on dedicated hardware in a datacentre, operated by seasoned IT professionals. Our goal is to enlarge and improve Cardano Community, allow people to efficiently stake their ADA and support wild animals.
Why SEAL? Because we love seals and other wild animals and we want to support them. Cardano staking is an efficient way to easily help yourself to gain some extra ADA, while supporting the Cardano network decentralization. In the process, pool operators are receiving some reward as well. We believe these rewards could be used for a good thing - and that's what we are trying to do here: At least 10% of pool profits will be donated to seal and other wild animal shelters and sanctuaries all over the world. Our pool has also minimal possible charges (operational cost 340ADA, 0% margin), maximizing your own rewards.
Because we are rather new pool, our pool pledge is not very big right now, but it's an honest work! We will keep increasing the pledge over time.