We try to be effective and transparent in fullfiling our promise to donate 10% of pool rewards, but sometimes it's easier for sanctuaries to accept single donation of higher amount, rather than many small donations after each successful epoch. Therefore we decided to create a virtual treasury, where we add 10% (34₳) every epoch for future donations. All unspent ADA is stored in there and will be used to support various animal shelters in the future.
Just as our delegators come from different places of the world, so is our help going to be sent to various locations. Here is a map with facilities we supported. With the growing stake and minted blocks, we hope that many other places and projects that we supported will soon appear on it. Everything thanks to our great delegators!
Epoch | Donated to | Amount |
520 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership November 2024 | 145.12 ₳ |
514 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership October 2024 | 152.46 ₳ |
508 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership September 2024 | 170.89 ₳ |
501 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership August 2024 | 160.77 ₳ |
495 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership July 2024 | 148.03 ₳ |
489 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership June 2024 | 113.53 ₳ |
483 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership May 2024 | 119.35 ₳ |
477 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership April 2024 | 91.81 ₳ |
471 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership March 2024 | 73.89 ₳ |
465 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership February 2024 | 111.68 ₳ |
459 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership January 2024 | 104.92 ₳ |
453 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership December 2023 | 123.46 ₳ |
447 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership November 2023 | 153.38 ₳ |
440 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership October 2023 | 204.79 ₳ |
434 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership September 2023 | 209.97 ₳ |
428 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership August 2023 | 187.89 ₳ |
422 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership July 2023 | 192.49 ₳ |
416 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership June 2023 | 158.63 ₳ |
410 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership May 2023 | 147.10 ₳ |
404 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership April 2023 | 143.88 ₳ |
398 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership March 2023 | 162.6 ₳ |
392 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership February 2023 | 137.15 ₳ |
386 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership January 2023 | 194.18 ₳ |
380 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership December 2022 | 169.23 ₳ |
375 | (US) Rainforest Foundation US | 200 ₳ |
374 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership November 2022 | 122.83 ₳ |
367 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership October 2022 | 114.28 ₳ |
361 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership September 2022 | 107.11 ₳ |
355 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership August 2022 | 98.00 ₳ |
349 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership July 2022 | 109.42 ₳ |
343 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership June 2022 | 90.68 ₳ |
337 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership May 2022 | 67.33 ₳ |
330 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership April 2022 | 50 ₳ |
325 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership March 2022 | 66 ₳ |
324 | (NL) A Seal - Adoption of baby seal Charles | 629,16 ₳ |
319 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership February 2022 | 48,54 ₳ |
318 | (DE) Seehundstation Friedrichskoog | 98.2 ₳ |
313 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership January 2022 | 45.87 ₳ |
312 | (NL) Sealcentre Pieterburen - adopted seal Mr. Flufferson | 49 ₳ |
308 | (CZ) Sea Turtle project | 45 ₳ |
307 | (Int.) Veritree - tribute to Vasil Dabov | 100 ₳
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306 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership December 2021 | 39 ₳ |
302 | (NA) Ocean Conservation Namibia | 41 ₳ |
301 | (Int.) Veritree | 100 ₳
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300 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership November 2021 | 28.4 ₳ |
298 | (US) Ocean Blue Project | 25 ₳ |
297 | (NL) Sealcentre Pieterburen - adopted seal Sarabi | 30.5 ₳ |
294 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - Platinum Membership October 2021 | 25.13 ₳ |
291 | (FR) LPA Calais | 115 ₳ |
288 | (DE) Seehundstation | 96.6 ₳ |
283 | (Global) Sea Shepherd | 100 ₳
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282 | (US) The Wild Animal Sanctuary | 100 ₳
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280 | (UK) Mablethorpe Wildlife Rescue | 34 ₳ |
276 | (CA) harpseals.org | 52.5 ₳ |
275 | (NZ) The Ocean Cleanup | 100 ₳
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271 | (NZ) WWF - New Zealand | 34.33 ₳ |
269 | (AN) Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition | 30 ₳ |
267 | (AU) Marine Mammal Foundation | 42.73 ₳ |
265 | (US) The Marine Mammal Center | 18.55 ₳ |
263 | (NL) Sealcentre Pieterburen - adopted seal Gromit | 45.03 ₳ |
262 | (PL) Fokarium Stacja Morska | 32.6 ₳ |
260 | (NA) Ocean Conservation Namibia | 35.26 ₳ |
258 | (CZ) ZOO Liberec - South American Sea Lion | 37 ₳ |
256 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - seal Puppis | 31 ₳ |
254 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - seal Atria | 30 ₳ |
253 | (IE) Seal Rescue Ireland - seal Gamma Ray | 33 ₳ |
[ Epoch 521 ] According to the mass media, one might think, that the future of crypto world is only Bitcoin and it's ETFs. That nothing else is worth the effort and interest, altcoins are dead and all projects are useless. But how it's possible, that our pool is running for almost 4 years and donated over 6000 Ada to many animal shelters? It's thank to the amazing Cardano cummunity and YOU, our honorable delegrators. Due to some reasons we support for a longer period of time only one seal rescue center - Seal Rescue Ireland. We applied to the Platinum membership and regularly support this amazing place. Although we come from the Czech Republic, a few members of the crew took a roadtrip to Ireland this sommer. So we must have visited the centre and confirm, that our money goes to the right place. And we can assure you, that this centre is worth every single Ada (Euro) we are sending them. We saw all the background from preparing food and treatment, boxes for newly rescued pups and pools with seals gathering strength for release. There is a lot of work behind it and there are great results and achievements.
[ Epoch 405 ] There hasn't been any big news recently regarding our pool. But don't be afraid, we are still doing our best to continuously run our node and be a strong member of Cardano infrastructure. You can see it easily at verified blocks, which number just surpassed 400! That is something we couldn't even imagine, when we started this project. We are also able to provide constant support for Seal Rescue center in Ireland by being a Platinum member and sending 50 Euros every month. We also accumulate a bigger amount of Ada in our treasury. It is just waiting for the right project(s) to support. We don't want to donate any scam projects, so we select very carefully, where the money goes and who deserves it. Please let us know, what project do you think is worth to support.
[ Epoch 375 ] After a long time we would like to inform you about Seal Pool recent activities. It's been a whole year, when we became a Platinum member of Seal Rescue Ireland. From that comes a lovely duty to select a name for a newly rescued seal. We got a list with names connected with Ireland mythology, which we should choose from. Our final decision we will announce later, when a new seal pup will be named.
We are regularly looking for new ways, how to use Cardano ecosystem to fulfill our goal to support environment, animals and nature. Therefore we are happy every time, when we find a trusted project, which is accepting Ada directly. For our last donation we chose a really great project focused on rainforest protection - Rainforest Foundation US. This organization, founded by singer Sting more than 30 years ago, has the mission to support indigenous peoples of the world's rainforests in their efforts to protect their environment. If you are interested more in their mission, we definitely recommend to visit their websites.
Do you know about another great project (accepting ADA or not), which deserves support? Please let us know at one of our contacts.
[ Epoch 350 ] Epoch with such a nice number definitely deserves new post. Although our side projects make us a bit busy, we are still doing our best to operate the pool and manage donations. With the continously falling Cardano rate we cannot afford such big support as it used to be. We are still committed to Seal Rescue Ireland, because of the Platinum membership. We pay 50 Euro every month, which is more and more in Ada. Therefore we store all remaining Ada in the Treasury for future donations.
[ Epoch 324 ] After loosing a portion of our essential delegators we experienced really tough epochs, including 0 block predictions. That means an outage of profits, which partly goes to donations. Despite that we decided for a unusually high donation in form of private adoption of a baby seal. Our priviledge was to name the boy, so our choice was clear. As a tribute to the father of Cardano we named him Charles. We wish him a quick recovery, happy and long life and hopefully he will find his Ada. We can also say that the situation with delegators and blocks is much better now and seems to be stable. We want to welcome all new delegators and those, who for example returned. We really apprecite you chose SEAL pool and do our best to not disappoint you.
[ Epoch 312 ] We haven't posted here for a while, so please let us make a bit longer summary of our recent activities. As you can check in our table of donations, we have supported mostly well known centers and sanctuaries like Sealcentre Pieterburen, Ocean Conservation Namibia or Seal Rescue Ireland. We also donated overall 200 ₳ to Veritree organization, whose goal is to systematically plant trees in strategic locations to fight the climate changes.
Another newly supported project is tied to our homeland. It's a Czech project, which rescues
Sea Turtles in Indonesia.
They are doing really great job and we would like to support them also in the future.
We have already donated almost 1500 ₳ and we hope, that thanks to great support from our delegators we will continue the same way.
Although these times are tough for us, because we lost some important delegators, we are working hard to support our community and attract new delegators.
There are some benefits for our loyal delegators, like BabySeal tokens and Seal NFTs coming, you can find out more in the section
tokens or on our social media.
We are doing our best to steadily produce blocks and earn rewards for our delegators, and for donations. Thank you so much for staking with us.
[ Epoch 294 ] Until now, we were doing mostly one-time donations to selected sanctuaries and organizations.
But thanks to our loyal and amazing delegators, we became a pool that is now regularly minting blocks almost every epoch, and therefore
we decided we should support our favorite seal sanctuaries in a more persistent way. With great pleasure we announce that as of now
we are members of Platinum Membership program in
Seal Rescue Ireland!
That means a persistent support of the sanctuary with monthly donation of ADA worth of 50€.
This donation should provide seals in the sanctuary with "every bit of vet care, food, warmth, cleaning products, medication, and treatment".
This is all possible only thanks to people delegating to our pool! Thank you for making the world a better place!
[ Epoch 282 ] Adaseal Pool has been in operation for almost half a year. There are some milestones archieved we would like to share. As of the time of writing this, we minted over 70 blocks. We got a stable base of 50 amazing delegators, thanks to whom we could donate more than 550 ₳ to various organizations worldwide. Sometimes it is hard to pick the right one to support. Our last donation was a little bit different in a way that we did not support seals, but felines in The Wild Animal Sanctuary (US). The reason was that their mission to support Wild animals is aligned with ours and that we could donate directly in ADA and thus support the Cardano environment. We are also looking for other ways, how to connect Cardano with the real life and our pool's mission. Thank you for staying with us!
[ Epoch 267 ] Greetings to all our supporters! We know last few epochs were difficult to handle, but it seems, that bad times are finally over and we keep the direction we have set. There is also no change in our goal to support wild animals worldwide. After few donations aimed to European shelters, our gift today landed in Australia. We are happy, that we could support Marine Mammal Foundation, which does a very important job.
Do you have your favourite animal rescue center, which you think we should support? Or do you think we should improve something? Let us know your ideas using our contacts. We are always happy to get some feedback from our delegators.
[ Epoch 265 ] This epoch we directed our interest beyond the ocean, all the way to the California. There is a huge Marine Mammal Center. We decided for one time donation of 35 USD to support whole center.
[ Epoch 263 ] Our next donation was sent to another amazing Sealcentre in Europe. The final decision went to support Zeehondencentrum Pieterburen, Netherlands. It is our modest birthday present, because this centre celebrates 50 years of existence! Congratulations on such archievement. The donated amount of 45₳ went to support seal Gromit. We wish him an early recovery and return to the wilderness, where he belongs to.
[ Epoch 262 ] This time we decided to support sanctuary Fokarium in Hel, Poland. For the first time not privately, but from pool rewards. We did not get any certificate, but we are listed on the donor list.
[ Epoch 260 ] Our next donation crossed borders of Europe and went directly to sunny Africa, to the Ocean Conservation Namibia. This amazing non-profit organisation primary objective is to help entangled seals and other marine animals along the Namibian coast and we are glad to support them. The organisation is also listed under Go Get Funding, where you can verify our sponsorhip in the Backers list.
[ Epoch 258 ] This epoch reward stays in our homeland, because we decided to support Sea Lions in the Liberec ZOO, Czech Republic. This type of donation is not an adoption of any particular animal, but support of the whole breeding. The name of our pool should be installed on the table in front of the aquarium. We will definitely visit this ZOO soon and add a photo here. We are already listed on donators list here. Only in CZ version.
[ Epoch 256 ] With new epoch and successfully minted blocks we have promise of another reward. Our third support was sent to our favourite Seal Rescue Ireland again. Our adopted family has grown by a small Male Grey Seal pup, called Puppis.
[ Epoch 254 ] We are doing our best to fulfill our promise to financially support wild animals. Next share from our pool reward was used to support Seal Rescue Ireland once more. This time we decided to adopt pup girl named Atria. We hope she will be soon in a better condition and ready to return back into the wild.
[ Epoch 253 ] Thanks to all our kind supporters from among the delegators we can announce a big milestone in our pool's mission. On the March 13 we successfully confirmed our first block. That also means a promise of the first reward. We decided to help already before the end of the epoch and adopted our first SEAL. His name is Gamma Ray and lives in Seal Rescue Ireland.
Before the commissioning of the Adaseal pool the owners of the pool directly supported their favourite seal sanctuary at Hel, Poland called Fokarium. Here is a link to their official websites. We would like to support them also in the future, so we are really grateful for every delegator.